The Internationale Amateursternwarte e.V.

Karl-Ludwig Bath
Emmendingen, Germany

The International Amateur Observatory (IAS) is an association of amateur astronomers who wish to study the night sky, far from any light pollution and at one of the best places for observing in the southern hemisphere.

Gamsberg Observatory
The Gamsberg mountain in Namibia is 2347m high and is one of the “Top 10” places in the world for astronomical work. The seeing is around 1’’ as a mean value.
The IAS, supported by the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, has built and maintains an observing station at the Gamsberg where all association members can enjoy the best conditions for their astronomical work.
The portable instruments now in use at the observatory will be extended in the near future with a 70 cm telescope mounted on a stiff, permanent mount. For amateurs, this offers one of the biggest reflecting telescopes in Africa.

Hakos Observatory
In sight of the Gamsberg is the Hakos Guest Farm, which offers a base station for the Gamsberg Observatory. The seeing at Hakos is nearly as excellent as on the Gamsberg. Hakos Observatory has two observing buildings with a Celestron 14, a 45 cm Bath astro-camera and a 45 cm Dobson telescope for visual work.

International Amateur Observatory Association
Members of the  International Amateur Observatory (IAS) association enjoy access to high quality telescopes under optimum viewing for best astronomical photography and scientific observations.
The IAS was founded in 1999 and now runs the two observatories in Namibia. We promote many astronomical activities, such as astrophotography, spectroscopy, photography of comets, observing of minor planets and variable stars.
The members report their work in astronomical magazines like Sterne und Weltraum, and are on hand for special classes in astronomy for school teachers, pupils and students.
Today, the association has around fifty members of all ages and professions. Every six months, the IAS has a convention where you can get further information. Or you contact the address below. New members and sponsors are always welcome! Gifts for supporting the IAS, and member fees too, are tax exempt (in Germany). The IAS is recognized as a non-profit organisation. Interested?

Office: Geranienstraße 2, D-79312 Emmendingen
Tel./Fax: +49 (0) 76 41-34 92
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